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Replacement Windows  

Replacement windows have come a long way since the early days of "double glazing," our windows incorporate the very latest technologies to give you great aesthetic looks to enhance your home coupled with great energy efficiency and, high security too. We only offer the best and, for that reason, we only supply and fit Pilkington® glass. Pilkington® has been an industry leader in the glass markets for some considerable time, well known for its high quality and innovative technology. High quality hardware used in our replacement windows which makes them maintenance free.


5 Chamber Profile

Our UPVC windows feature a 5-chamber 70mm profile. This thick profile ensures a strong rigid framework for the 28mm glass unit. The internal chambers protect against heat loss and are resistant to all weather conditions. The 5-chamber 70mm-thick system is regarded as one of the easiest to install and can be the perfect replacement for old timber framed windows.

Internally Beaded

All of our UPVC windows are internally beaded. The benefit of internal beading is that it offers far better security than external beading. This is because the beading which keeps the glass in place is not as accessible from the exterior of the property, meaning there is no easy way for burglars to pop the beads out, removing the glass and gaining entry into your property.



Our windows feature a multi-point locking system. We use Yale locks that engage with the keeps to make it harder for the windows to be forced open as they hook underneath the edge of the keeps. This is an advantage over the simple roller cam system that can be found on some products in the market. Our windows also feature anti-jemmy riser blocks fitted, which prevent the windows from being forced open with a crowbar.

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